Mahindra has been teasing the XUV700’s segment-first features, the most recent of which is its flush-fitting door handles. The ‘Smart Door Handles’ are shown in action in the teaser. This innovation, which replaces the traditional pull handles, may be seen in a number of high-end vehicles, including the Range Rover Evoque. The door handles will automatically pop out whenever the key is close to the car.
Adaptive cruise control, a 360-degree camera, auto-leveling LED headlamps with high beam assist, dynamic turn indicators, a panoramic sunroof, dual-zone climate control, and a twin-display setup (including the touchscreen infotainment system and instrument cluster) could be among the other standout features.
The XUV700 will also be the first vehicle in its class to be equipped with ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System), which might include features like cross-traffic warning, blindspot recognition, automated emergency braking, and lane maintain assist.
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