At a starting price of Rs 15.89 lakh (ex-showroom, India), Hyundai launched the Elantra facelift. The sedan is a sharper upgrade to its outgoing version, powered by a BS6-compliant all-new 2.0-liter NU petrol engine. This system produces 152PS and 192Nm like the previous BS4 engine. With a 6-speed manual or an automatic6-speed transmission, it can be optional.
The Elantra is available in three trims – S, SX and SX (O) – and five colour options – Phantom Black, Marina Blue, Fiery Red, Polar White and Typhoon Silver.
The Elantra facelift’s base variant comes with standard equipment such as projector headlamps, standard DRLs, 16-inch alloy wheels, beige-black dual-tone interiors, and manually adjustable driver seat. Other standard kits include power windows, a 7.0-inch infotainment touchscreen system with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto and steering controls. There are six airbags in the safety equipment, ABS
The top model SX (O) is fully loaded with equipment such as front parking sensors, tire pressure monitoring system, LED quad projector headlamps, LED DRLs, leather upholstery, driver seat10-way electronically adjustable, and vanity mirror illuminated. Certain accessories on board include a front-seat ventilation system, a USB charger, a wireless controller, aluminum pedals and an instrument cluster with color display. This trim is available in an automatic 6-speed configuration only. In India, Skoda Octavia, Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla Altis compete with the new Elantra.
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