The new Pulsar 125 Neon has been introduced by Bajaj in India in two versions-drum and disk brake. While the variant of the drum brake is priced at Rs 64,000, the variant of the disk brake is priced at Rs 66,618 (both ex-showroom prices). The new Pulsar 125 Neon at this price is about Rs 20,000 more affordable than the Pulsar 150. It looks almost the same in terms of design as the Pulsar 150 Neon.
Powering the motorcycle is a 135-sourced Pulsar LS engine with 12PS power and 11Nm torque belts. This engine is burnt and is technically not BS6-compliant. Suspension bits include front-up telescopic fork and back-up Nitrox twin shock absorbers. With braided lines and a drum system at the back, the bike gets a disk brake up front. As in the Platina 110 H-Gear, Bajaj will equip the motorcycle with mechanical CBS.
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