An all-out offensive for SUVs in the Rs 10 lakh to 20 lakh range seems to have been designed by Hyundai India. It will also announce a Creta 7-seater after taking in the new-gen Creta, which is likely to hit showrooms in Q2 2021. In the past, the grapevines have even announced that they may bear a name other than Creta. Currently, Hyundai got the name Alcazar trademarked, which may probably be for this 7-seater.
Spy Photos told that;
In the past, spy shots have shown that the new three-row Creta may have visual differentiators over the 5-seater on the exterior. Expect a redesigned front grille with an additional chrome support, a flatter roof at the back end, an additional rear quarter and a thinner C-pillar and, presumably, an overhang extension. It is also probable that tail lamps and alloy wheels will witness a do-over with the former predicted to appear a bit less polarised.
With a 10.25-inch touchscreen, digital instrument panel, Bose sound system, panoramic sunroof, ventilated front seats, driven driver seat, and air purifier, the interior is likely to be identical to the 5-seater Creta. With multiple airbags, front parking sensors, tyre pressure control and ESP (electronic stability programme), the safety equipment is likely to be identical to the Creta.
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